Aquafadas iDive 1.9.1 MacOSX | 27.8MB
iDive is a digital video shoebox…for your DV tapes and now for all your QuickTime movies.
It will turn any assortment of disorganised video files into an instantly accessible catalog. Finding a clip hidden amongst hours of footage will never again be a problem.
Intuitive concepts such as people, places, events can be dragged and dropped onto your footage to simply, and quickly annotate your shots. A stunning visual timeline gives you that extra perspective on time and allows instant selections based on capture dates.
Featuring extensive export capabilities, iDive is designed to become your DV editing application’s best friend, by offering easy navigation, innovative visualization and turbo-charged search facilities.
What’s New in Version 1.9.1:
* Fixed a critical problem when running iDive on Tiger (Mac OS 10.4.x).
* Improved localization.